
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A Sneak Peek

Last night I fired up PC Stitch Pro and worked on a design I started a while back.  I will probably do some more tweaking of colors, but here's a sneak peek at my "Charity Never Faileth Sampler".

I'm off to the HQNA Quiltfest in about 4 hours!


  1. I just found your blog from Melissa's birthday post. Your chart is darling - I love the colors of it.

    Hadley (love her name, too!) is a doll.

    I'm going back to my blog now to add you to my blog roll.

    Have a great weekend! It's nice to meet you!

  2. I just went through your blog. I love it, and your work. You were talking about a "PC Stitch Pro" What is that? Does it help you design your cross stitches into patterns? I'm very curious because I hand make my cross stitches on graft paper and would love a faster way to do so!
    I really like the colors on this cross stitch, and how the font color changes as it goes down the letters. Thanks for sharing with us all. PamV

  3. Thank you so much for the lovely pattern. Loved your site!

  4. What is a PC Stitch Pro? Do you actually stitch with that or produce the pattern? Love this pattern, and have done a lot of cross stitch in my life, but have trouble seeing it now. I love embroidery and am happy I can still do the outline embroidery patterns.

    Jacqui in Canada

  5. We have been looking for an artistic rendition of Charity Never Faileth to make for a room in our church. Your work is beautiful. Thank you for sharing!


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