
Monday, February 15, 2010

54 down, 115 to go

And that doesn't count the triangle and corner blocks in the DJ quilt. I did 3 DJ blocks over the weekend. Let's see -- if I do 3 a week, I can finish the block in only 18 weeks.  Seems achievable.

** Edited to correct my math **
Nope, that would be 38 weeks to finish the blocks if I do 3 per week.

Then, I've still got 50 triangles (have completed only 2) and the four corners. At 3 per week, that's another 18 weeks. But considering I made my first DJ block on Sept. 10, 2004 -- and haven't made one since 2/13/2005 (YES, that's 5 years ago!), spending another 36 weeks (** that would be 74 weeks **) on this quilt (not counting  sewing the sashing to the blocks and assembling the quilt top itself, doesn't sound  that long. This isn't a commitment to finish the blocks in 74 weeks -- but rather an acknowledgment that it is possible (just not probable!).

Anyway, here are the 3 blocks I made over the weekend.

It's funny that the process of scanning or photographing, and then viewing on the computer monitor, makes the mistakes are so obvious! On the K8  block (in purple)  I noticed that one of the background pieces was attached upside down so the back is on the front. This isn't obvious when looking at it in person, but boy is it obvious in the photo. I'm NOT redoing the block however. But I might redo K1, the pieced block with the tan stripey print. The paper pieced pattern did not match the actual block and as a result, my lights and darks aren't all in the right spots. (Plus I was very rusty with my paper piecing and I could  have done a better job.)

I also discovered a terrific blog, That Quilt, by Anina. She has shown her piecing, applique and paper-piecing process for about three fourths of the DJ blocks -- so  far. It is a terrific resource for those working on DJ quilts.


  1. I've been stalking your blog and the That Quilt blog like a hawk. Yours because of your beautiful piecing and fabrics, and the other because I need help with these little blocks. With that said, I still haven't started mine yet! But it's good to hear of another person that starts projects and then doesn't pick them up again for a few years.

  2. Hi Deb. I suggest getting the Electric Quilt Dear Jane kit so you can easily print out the paper piecing patterns. Or, you can do like Anina of That Quilt does and trace them yourself.

    I wanted a traditional, scrappy Dear Jane, so I did the Stitchin' Heaven block of the month. But basically you need about a 10-inch square of both the focus fabric and the background fabric for each block (you'll have some left to add to the scrap pile). I'm not duplicating any of the focus fabrics, but have duplicated the backgrounds.

    I think this is a labor of love -- but the finished project will be worth it.

  3. Ilike the way you are using your fabrics. And I wouldn't change that one block either.


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