
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Bittersweet Briar -- "Finished is better than perfect."

Last night I finished machine appliqueing the yellow berries, and tonight I finished the borders and appliqueing the circles in the border. So, this project from a class from Kim Diehl is now ready to quilt -- that is, after I pick out  backing fabric.  Because it is appliqued with monofilament thread, I have to be very careful when ironing. So I haven't done a final press of the quilt. I'll do that just before taking to be machine quilted.

I don't remember who I heard say "finished is better than perfect", but this quilt is the epitome of that statement. I used this quilt to learn Kim Diehl's machine applique technique and chose fabrics out of my stash, and for the border circles, the blossoms, and the spear-like petals on the large red petals I just used scraps.

But it's done, and while it isn't perfect, I learned what I needed to learn -- and I'm happy with both the learning process and the end result.

On another topic, I had a bit of a scare this evening...

It started yesterday when my downstairs carbon monoxide detector started to beep every 30 seconds or so. I figured it was a fluke because the main floor detector wasn't beeping. So I unplugged it and that was that. Then this evening the upstairs detector started to beep -- which made me wonder if indeed I had a carbon monoxide problem. My parents brought one of their detectors over and no beeps. But I called the gas company anyway and they dispatched a technician. I opened some windows and doors for fresh air just in case. In the meantime, my father went to the hardware store and bought a new CO detector  -- and, of course, it didn't beep. The tech tested my furnace, water heater and two gas fireplaces -- and no CO leaks. Turns out that both of my carbon monoxide detectors conked out a day apart from each other. Strange coincidence -- but at  least no real problem with carbon monoxide.


  1. Your quilt is beautiful, Nancy! I love applique quilts and this is a beauty!

    Glad it wasn't a carbon monoxide leak - that is one scary thing!

  2. Thanks for the kind words about the quilt. I'm glad it wasn't a CO leak too!

  3. That is a scary thing when those detectors go off. Usually the batteries are dying, but nonetheless, it can be a real scare.

    Your quilt is beautiful and it looks absolutely perfect to me.

  4. Thanks Deb! I'm now just trying to decide what my next machine applique project will be. Probably will finish some hand applique WIPs using the machine.

    Turns out my CO detectors didn't have a place for backup batteries. But I learned that the internal "calibration" electronics do have a lifespan (some as short as only 4 years) and these were 7 years old.
    The other possibility was that there was a power surge that fried their innards. My new detector does have a battery backup and the manual says it should be good for 10 years. Turns out they aren't like smoke detectors which can last many, many years.

  5. Hi Nancy.
    the quilt is beautiful. I love Kim's work, and it's on my to do list. In the applique class, I taught that technique, along with hand work. Some of the gals complained about not being able to see the clear thread. What did you think of that?
    Glad the scare was nothing. We don't have CO detectors here. Why do you need them?

  6. I agree about Kim's designs -- absolutely fabulous! One of these days I'll blog about some of the tips and tricks she shared that aren't in her book's instructions (although all of the basics certainly are).

    As far as CO detectors, you only need them if you have things like a gas stove, gas furnace, gas water heater or gas fireplace. My last home was completely electric heat, so no way for there to be carbon monoxide. However, if a gas appliance/furnace isn't fully burning the natural gas, CO builds up -- and it's very deadly.

    PS: I'll comment more on Kim's technique in a blog post.

  7. Hey Nancy
    Thanks for the info on CO detectors. I'll keep that in mind if we ever get gas stuff.
    Looking forward to you sharing Kim's tips. Must have been a great class.


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