
Wednesday, February 24, 2010

A Quickie Freebie Giveaway

This is for my followers ONLY. Yes, you can join in the fun by becoming a follower.

Prize: free one-year gift subscription to Fons and Porters Love of Quilting magazine. Please note that this is available to US followers only. (Sorry Maggie in the UK and any that might be in Canada or elsewhere.)

New and existing followers need only make a comment to this post AND answer the question:

Which quilt block are you most like, and why?

For example, if you have Irish grandparents, perhaps it is the Triple Irish Chain block. If you live in Ohio, perhaps it’s the Ohio Star. Perhaps it’s a basket block because you’re always a “basket case”. For me, it is the Castles in Spain block – because I lived in Spain two different times and always figured I should have been born into royalty. If you need some block inspiration, check out Quilter’s Cache.

The Small Print:
  • One entry per person
  • You must have a US mailing address
  • Deadline for making a comment (and becoming a follower if you aren’t already): Friday, Feb. 26th at 10 pm mountain time
  • If you don’t have a blog, please leave your e-mail address so I may contact you directly if you’re the lucky winner
  • I’ll select someone at random and post the name of the winner by 10 am mountain time on Saturday, Feb. 27th, and will mail in the gift subscription within a day of getting your mailing address from you.

I  think that's it. Good luck everyone!


  1. That's OK Nancy :-) I'm sorry to say that i can't quilt but do admire all the lovely quilt work, alas i have to have shop bought!

    Great give away though :-)

  2. This is a great giveaway and I'd love to win because I gave up all my magazine subscriptions and would love to receive this magazine. I guess my block would be the Rolling Stone block. With two teenagers, what else can you do but roll with the punches.

  3. I would say that I am like a scrappy square. Lots of bits and pieces built on a solid foundation. My family would say I'm more like a crazy quilt square. It's all in the way we look at things.

  4. Thank you for the giveaway. I would love to receive this magazine.

    I'm a pinwheel, always spinning in circles. I say I leave behind calm, my husband would say its always trouble. Meaning, when I start spinning, it means "work" for him;-)


  5. I found your blog a couple of days ago, and have really enjoyed looking around. Your stitching is beautiful, and you have really informative "how I do it" posts. I'm happy to be able to add you to my reader. :D


  6. I'm not a quilter so I'll pass on the prize, Nancy but it sure is fun reading what kind of square everyone would be!

  7. Just today found your blog. Have not had a chance to read a lot of it, but sure will. I used to do a lot of cross stitch till I got into quilting, but am getting the bug to go back to it. Do not have a favorite block, but anything scrappy and if it is with flannel that is all the better. Take Care!!

  8. Crazy Quilt. I love your blog.

  9. Crazy quilt blocks - because my life can be so crazy sometimes! Glad to see another LDS blogger quilter gal! I'm addicted to magazines so I would LOVE to win this one year subscription!


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