
Friday, March 26, 2010

My Latest Obsession – Essential Oils

Over the past couple years I’ve been learning about essential oils and herbal remedies. In fact, on Saturday my sister and I are going to attend an all-day class where we learn about ancient Egyptian oil blends. We’ll also be studying eight essential oils in depth, including frankincense and myrrh (yes, the very gifts the magi brought to baby Jesus). We’ll learn about their physical, emotional, and spiritual healing properties, as well as their history. We’ll also have a 30-minute aromatic foot soak using salts from the Dead Sea – just like Cleopatra might have done. It will be a fun and interesting day!

If you aren’t familiar with the use of essential oils, I must say that I’m a believer. I diffuse them in my home for their aromatic properties, but I also use them directly on my body (extended with some grape seed, almond or coconut oil) for their healing and emotional properties.

When I get a headache, I place either peppermint or wintergreen oil on my temples, below my nostrils, on my forehead, and at the back of my neck. Instant relief! I also keep peppermint oil in an old-fashioned plastic inhaler and can breathe it whenever I need to wake myself up a bit.

Every night before bed I put lavender oil on a cotton ball and place inside my pillow case, and rub a soothing blend of relaxing oils on my feet. I’ve been doing this since Christmas and have slept better for the past 3 months than I have the past 3 years! I’m even able to sleep well in hotel rooms while travelling for work. My niece does this with her one-year-old and it definitely calms her down so she can relax and go to sleep.

I add a drop of one of my oil blends designed for building up immunity to my toothbrush (with the toothpaste) morning and night. Helps with gingivitis as well as overall health. I haven’t had a cold for several years, although I can’t attribute it specifically to this since I’ve only begun doing this.

In fact, I just realized that my diffuser needs some replenishing. For a Friday afternoon, I wonder which would be better – something to stimulate my brain so I get busy and productive for the next few hours, or something relaxing to get me in the mood for stitching this evening. Such a dilemma!


  1. VERY interesting. I've been curious about this sort of thing for a while, but I hear it's hard to find good quality oil and I've still yet to find a good place to buy it.

    I think you should relax for the weekend, lol! :D

  2. Berit: I'm able to buy at my local nutrition store, but have also bought online. The brands that I KNOW are high quality: Butterfly Express, Young Living and Forever Green. I've used all of these brands and they only use therapeutic quality oils -- so they can even be taken internally (not just for aroma). But, you're correct, you need to be careful about what you buy.

  3. Hey Nancy
    Loved your post. I totaly believe in oils as well as other alternative remedies. Have you even gone to a Naturopath? I know you have them in Utah, and they are well-schooled in all these modalities. Wish we had them in Fla. Another good use for lavender oil is to relieve the soreness and itch of a bee sting, crush an asprin and make a paste with the oil, put that on the welt.
    it's not for an allergic reaction though, so please don't anyone confue the two.

  4. Thanks fro the info on reputable brands, Nancy. I find this so interesting. I like certain scents but haven;t tried essential oils yet. The only one I can't possibly use is wintergreen. It makes me violently nauseous! Ever since I was little. My Dad gave me a wintergreen lifesaver in church one day don't want to know the rest! I don't know if it's a real reaction or just a sensory memory association but I don't want to find out! I definitely want to try the lavender oil at night . Thanks, Nancy D. in NY


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