
Monday, November 29, 2010

Back From Oblivion

When I started this blog, I wasn’t going to be one of those bloggers who started off with a boom, but then fizzled out. But, unfortunately, I haven’t done a stitch either by hand or by machine for about 6 months. So I haven’t had anything worth blogging about – not to mention that real life got in the way of writing (and reading your wonderful blogs). Thanks to those of you who sent e-mail to make sure everything was okay. I didn’t even have time or energy to properly respond to your e-mails.

I could blame it on my work schedule. More travel than usual. I surpassed the 75,000 mile mark for 2010 and will be Platinum Medallion for 2011 – meaning, hopefully, more upgrades when I travel next year. We also had a major product launch at work that involved using my creative energy on marketing deliverables rather than samplers and quilts.

Perhaps I could blame it on health issues. My energy level had been gradually dropping over the past year or so, and I have now been diagnosed with sleep apnea, on top of low thyroid. The sleep doctor promises that once I get used to sleeping with a CPAP machine at night (tonight will be the first time), that I will feel like a new person. Let’s hope so – because I am tired of being tired all the time.

I have registered for a quilting retreat in January 2011 to kickstart my creative juices. Carrie Nelson, of Miss Rosie’s Quilt Co. and Schnibbles fame, will be the headlining teacher. I have signed up for three classes by her, one of which is a “mystery schnibble”.  These are two of the three projects from Carrie I have signed up for:

Here’s hoping my creative energy comes back – because I definitely miss my stitching, quilting, and blogging friends.


  1. Nancy!!!!!!
    You are back, Wonderful to see you. I often wondered and checked your blog. Certainly hope you get your health up to par soon.
    I've been a lazy blogger, just can't seem to get the pictures taken, and on here to post. Like you, I planned on being more consistent.
    Enjoying the McCall's magazine, thanks again.

  2. Good to hear from you. You will enjoy those classes I am sure. Have a wonderful Holiday season. Remember the real reason for the season!

  3. It's great to see you posting. I'm sorry that life, health and work has gotten in the way, but hopefully things will lessen up and you can get back into the more fun pursuits of life.

  4. Good to hear from you! I've been wondering what you're up to and hoping you were okay. :)

    Best wishes for your new treatments and that fun-sounding retreat!

  5. It's so good to see a post from you! I've been thinking about you and wondering how you've been. I have hypothyroidism and can relate to the tiredness. Good luck getting the meds regulated and adjusting to the CPap machine, etc.


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