
Monday, February 28, 2011

First 2011 Stitching Finish

I’m dealing with computer problems, so this will be a quick post. My main PC is being worked on at Office Depot. They say it’s only software issues – malware that got installed without me knowing about it that is causing the problem. The problem happened while I was trying out the FindMyFabric website I mentioned in the previous post – but I don’t know if that’s what caused it. Hopefully they can get it fixed and it won’t cost an arm and a leg.

I finished this one-color project. It was a simple project to get me back into a stitching frame of mind.

Bye for now – or until my PC is back in business.


  1. I love this design. What a beautiful finish! Congrats!

  2. It always feels good to finish a project. Just wish I could go faster!
    I love the one color, I've never done one. Do you think it 's harder or easier?
    It's really pretty. I'm glad you're getting back to stitching, Have you thought about stitching Marianne?

  3. This is only the second project I’ve done that is with one color (although arguably it looks like 3 or 4 because of the variations in the floss). It works up pretty fast because you are only dealing with one floss – but because of the color changes in the floss itself, it works up a bit slower than non-variegated floss because you should complete a complete stitch rather than do a whole row of half crosses and then go back with the other half stitches. (Did that make sense?)

    I love Marianne Wenn and more power to you and Terri for working on it. But I have my very involved family history sampler to work on, which is a higher priority than anything else that involved. Plus I have another original project that I stitched, but want to re-do in a different color palette before I call it “finished”. So, any other projects in the meantime are going to be simple and relatively quick to finish.

  4. Beautiful piece! Hope you get your computer back quickly and cheaply.

  5. hi,
    very nice !

    have a good day


  6. CONGRATS ON A BEAUTIFUL FINISH! Sorry to hear about your computer problems, what a pain. Hope you have a better day, smiles...


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