
Saturday, March 5, 2011

Late, But Productive Night – and Other Miscellany

Just a quick post as I prepare for a business trip this week.

I picked up three quilts from my long-arm quilter yesterday. So I stayed up late last night to get the binding machine-stitched on these three, plus the two my SIL quilted. Now my mom can hand-stitch the binding down while I’m traveling this week. I’ll post photos after I get back.

Also had my last meeting with my IRS agent yesterday. And guess what? I’m actually getting a refund. I’m always very conservative in my deductions, but I figured – as long as it’s the IRS doing the audit, I’d let them decide if certain other things could be added in. And they were. Of course, he said it will take them 2 or 3 months to send my new return through “the system” before I’ll ever see that refund. (He said this was only the 2nd refund he’s ever given following an audit.))

Everyone have a great week. I’ll be preoccupied with my full-time job this week, although hoping to get some stitching or appliqueing time in during a couple evenings in the hotel.

Bye for now.


  1. I can't wait to see your quilts! Congrats on the return--woohoo!

  2. Have a great trip! Can't wait to see what you accomplish!
    Yeah on the refund. I'm always way conservative too, as I'm afraid of an audit!
    Take Care.


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