
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Wedding Quilt for Ben and Nicole

I finally decided what I am giving Ben and Nicole for their wedding quilt.

Ben graduates from the University of Utah in two months in civil engineering and has been the top Utah cadet in the ROTC. He and Nicole head to a US Army fort right after he graduates and she finishes her first year of teaching kindergarten. After a few months at that army fort, he will be assigned to who-knows-where?? I didn’t think I would have time to make them a quilt from start to finish before they leave at the end of May, so was looking at some of my finished quilts to decide if one of them would work.

I think I found one that they will like – and when a baby comes along, it would look great in a nursery. This quilt really represents the two of them – Ben in the military and Nicole as a school teacher.

Notice the cute Americana fabric that is in each of the blocks, the flag print in the borders, and the backing which combines both fabrics. I think those fabrics represent Ben and his military service. Then notice the a-b-c print that is in the corners of each block; it represents Nicole and her school teaching.

Am I trying to hard to make this one work?

1 comment:

  1. It was meant to be, Nancy! It's perfect!!! They will love it.

    Good luck to them both - I work for the Army, as a civilian, and my dad is a retired COL. Love the Army and love our guys and gals that serve! And, I LOVED growing up as an Army Brat. Great experiences and adventures I would never have had otherwise. Good luck to Ben and Nicole!


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