
Sunday, April 3, 2011

Back From the PX Ranch

We had a great weekend at my brother’s ranch.

One new calf and momma:

Two of three lambs:

Some of the 12 piglets from one sow:

A quilt my sister-in-law made for a grandson who will most likely be born this week. The baby’s father is a huge University of Michigan fan. The quilt will be a great surprise for him too:

Pheasant hunting on Saturday (after my brother let a dozen or so pheasant loose on his property):

Three generations of wanna-be ranchers:

Also I was able to do some good stitching, but will photograph the project later this week.

I hope everyone has a great week!


  1. It looks like a wonderful time!!! And I have to say that I love the quilt! We're big Michigan fans here!

  2. What a great getaway! I am not a fan of Michigan but I love the quilt. I like the idea of the letter. LSU should make a bigger quilt. If you see people walking around Bountiful with LSU shirts and hats on, their are my kids.

  3. Love, love, love the pictures. I grew up in Ohio, and always thought I'd be a farmer, even on a small scale. Didn't happen, but still romanticize about it.
    The quilt is great, even though I'm a buckeye!!
    You have a wonderful family.

  4. Awesome! The piglets, especially, are so cute.

  5. Nancy, I think your quilt is wonderful (Heart to Heart). Your blog is amazing. I really need to learn what to do to make my blog as much fun as yours,(maybe half as good as your).

    Thanks for letting know about your quilt and blog.
    Laurie Bird

  6. What a fun time--love the pictures! Great job on the quilt!


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