
Monday, January 30, 2012

My Exciting News!

I've been waiting to do this post for more than three months -- but now I can let you all know that I heard from Martingale Company / That Patchwork Place last week.

They ARE going to publish my book of quilt designs! 

We are still in the early stages so I don't know yet what the schedule will be for release. I do know that there will be 30 quilts in the book -- which means I need to design (and make) 3 more for the book.

So far I've completed 18 of the tops -- which means I've got 12 to go. I just snapped a photo of most of the tops that are done. Martingale has 3 of them, plus I was too lazy to go down stairs to get the other couple.

They all still need to be quilted and bound. Not to mention writing the instructions. So I've got a lot to do over the next few months.

Needless to say, I'm excited -- and I'll post updates as I am able.

This past weekend I went to the Heritage Quilters Winterfest quilting retreat at a great lodge up in the mountains. (Yes, it snowed and got VERRRRY cold while we were there. But my room had a gas fireplace that I used every evening to cozy things up.) Joanna Figueroa from Fig Tree Designs was the featured teacher, and I took two classes from her. She was delightful -- and did a fabulous trunk show of about 30 or so of her quilts.

I also had to post this photo of some visitors I had in my backyard a few weeks ago. It's not unusual to see a deer or two now and then. But to have 6 at one time was quite the sight!

Bye for now.


  1. Big Congratulations!!! Wow, that is a lot of work done and still to do!

    As for, Fig Tree, her prints are my favorite, though I haven't liked the last line or two. Wish they were easier to get in my area.

  2. That is fantastic news!! Sounds like you're going to be crazy busy the next few months! Can't wait to hear all the particulars about the book and to see it in print!

  3. I'm so excited for you Nancy! I can't wait to see what you have been up too. Looks like you have your work cut out for you! It will all be worth it, and I know I will want a to buy your book. :)
    How fun to go to Winterfest. I wanted to go so bad, but just could not get away this weekend. Hope it was wonderful!

  4. Congrats Nancy! Wonderful to see another local gal make the big time!

  5. That's a lot of quilts for one book!

  6. marie@theallengrp.comApril 16, 2012 at 1:21 PM

    Hey Cousin:

    Your quilts are beautiful and we are very excited to hear of your upcoming publication - can't wait to purchase it.

    From childhood troll-doll banks to quilts, you have always been enterprising, most prolific and successful in all that you do.

    Congratulations - Marie Allen


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