
Saturday, March 10, 2012

Can’t Show You the Fronts Yet…

But I can show you the backs of these quilts.
I got back the first four quilts from one of the four quilters I’m working with. (More coming next week – yippee!) My mom did the hand-sewing part of the binding. (Thanks Mom!)
So I thought I’d show you the quilting from the backs of three of the four quilts. On one of them, the quilting blended in so much with the backing fabric that it didn’t photograph well enough to show. (But in person and from the front it’s fabulous!)
This first quilt uses Minick & Simpson’s Banner Rose fabrics. Because of the Americana style, it is quilted with a subtle Americana design:
My quilter liked this design so much that she wants to teach it as a mystery quilt at her guild. The design lends itself to a mystery because it comprises lots of basic block components that are then put together into blocks and interesting borders.
This quilt uses Fig Tree fabrics from a couple of different collections. The back is from Fig Tree’s Strawberry Fields. Can you see the rose – floral quilt design? It is perfect for this quilt design – with my original blocks set with chain blocks:
The  last quilt back I’m showing off today is a totally scrappy design – using only scraps and stash fabrics. Even the star-fabric backing was already in my stash. I decided to echo the star design from the backing as the quilting. Love it!
That’s all I can show you, but I am slowly closing in on finishing all of my quilts for the book.
Bye for now.


  1. Ooooo
    This is so exciting!! I love the back fabrics you are using, can't wait to see the fronts. You must feel such a sense of accomplishment.

  2. that star quoting pattern - it's perfect!

  3. Can't wait to see your book. Love all of your fabric choices!

  4. What a tease! I can't wait to see the fronts!


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