
Sunday, March 31, 2013

A Basket Quilt for Easter

I hope everyone has had a nice Easter Sunday. We had a nice program at church by the choir, and then it was my  week to  teach the adult Sunday School  class. After church, I had dinner with my parents.  Now just counting down until the start of a new week. I'm always a bit more tired on the Sundays that I teach. It's only a 40-minute class and I don't stress out about teaching, but it takes energy to keep the lesson organized since you never know what kind of comments or questions will pop up that will derail my nicely planned sequence of teaching. Today was one of those days!

On the quilting front, I finished a quilt top yesterday.

 I've had the fabric for more than a year, and had designed the quilt around the fabric. So it's been on the to-do list for a while. I've been experimenting with different settings and decided to set the blocks as a square-in-square so  I could stitch up as a straight setting (rather than on point -- which can be a pain IMHO). I hope that the secondary star pattern surrounding the corner blocks comes through in the design since that was my intent.

I've developed a new appreciation for negative space in quilts because of the amazing quilting that can be added. Hence the light blue and pink triangles surrounding five of the blocks. I can just imagine some great  quilting in there -- perhaps feathers since this is a fairly traditional quilt.

Don't ya just love basket quilts?

My  HQ18 Avanté longarm machine is now set up in my downstairs family room. I found a throw-away quilt top I never finished and put it on with some ugly fabric as backing. I had fun trying my hand at free-motion quilting, setting tension, basically just getting to know the machine. I've been using up orphan blocks on the same ugly backing (I received a lot of it by mistake from Keepsake Quilting, and they didn't want it back.) I've been doing ruler work and more free-motion to hone my skills. Now I just need to get enough courage to put a real quilt on the frame and do something real. One of these days....

Have a great week!


1 comment:

  1. Wow! Love your basket quilt, and I immediately saw the star pattern in the blocks. What a great idea.
    Basket quilts are the best. I have yet to make one yet, but it is on my bucket list!
    I also can relate to the teaching stress. It wears me out too.
    I look forward to seeing how you quilt your basket quilt.
    Have a great week!


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