
Saturday, April 13, 2013

Color Scheme Inspiration

I’ve been a Pinterest-aholic lately – thanks in part to the fact that my new iPad can use the newest Pinterest app. (My old one wouldn’t let me download newer apps – but my mother is happily enjoying the old iPad for checking FB, playing games, and listening/watching online programming.)

My latest discovery on Pinterest is the amazing color schemes that are available for inspiration. I tend to get into a color rut in my quilts – since I naturally gravitate towards medium and dark colors in earth tones, reds, and blacks.
color scheme inspiration

But, since I make quilts as gifts, not everyone likes the same colors I do. I love being able to draw color inspiration from new sources.

These are some of my current favorites that I’d love to incorporate into quilts:

color scheme citrus crush
color scheme globe
color scheme sacre coeur
color scheme shelled hues

This is done using online color picker tools and uploaded photos – and the options are endless. One of the more popular creators of color schemes is You can also go there to see the color schemes.

If you have  Electric Quilt,  you can also upload photos and use EQ to do the same thing. This is a sample color scheme I created a while back using EQ and a photo of some pottery I was buying in San Gimignano, Italy.

There are many ways these color schemes can inspire -- not just for quilting, but for decorating and more. Enjoy the color scheme inspiration!
Have a great day.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The Grand Beehive

Tonight my mom, sister and I went to the Utah's Beehive exhibit at the Utah Cultural Center in West Valley City. 

I submitted my beehive medallion quilt to the exhibit and they accepted it. So one of the reasons for going to the exhibit was to see my quilt.  

Here it is in all its glory. It had a very prominent place in the exhibit (which wasn't very big). 

And here's the proof it's by me:

It was fun to see my quilt hanging in the exhibit. There were some interesting beehive items to seem but I wish there had been more on display. It only took about 20 minutes to look at everything.

Have a great day.