
Thursday, August 1, 2013

Variations on a Theme: Bricks and Cobblestones

I've always been amazed at how fabric choices and the use of value can totally change the look of a quilt.

For example, consider these three variations of one of the quilts in my book, Triple-Play Scrap Quilting.

When I first designed and made the quilt, my intent was to create something very simple that could be the first quilt someone makes. Plus I wanted to make it from precuts -- 10-inch layer cake squares, 5-inch charm squares, and a little yardage. The result was this quilt that is totally based on squares and rectangles. The blocks finish 7-1/2 inches in this version.

It is scrappy because every block is different and it uses all 40 fabrics in the fabric line, But it is still coordinated and easy for a beginner to make fabric decisions. They just need to pair two 10-inch squares (plus use some of the light fabric that is also the inner border). Ta-da! That's how "hard" it is to pick the fabrics.

I next made the same quilt from scraps -- yes, no fat quarters were harmed to make this version. The blocks in this version finish 10 inches.

Since each block uses six different fabrics (plus the black and cream four-patch center), it has a completely different look. It's just as easy to sew up, but there are a few more fabric choices. It is scrappy, however, which means the fabric choices aren't going to be complicated. Just a good mix of lights, mediums, and darks. 

Most people can look at these first two quilts and it isn't hard to see that they are the same design. 

But most are surprised that this version of the quilt using batiks is also the same block pattern. The blocks are also 10 inches, but because the quilt has more blocks it is significantly larger.

This one took some planning because what appears to be the block isn't really the block. While each block only has two batik fabrics plus the cream, there are four blocks with the matching fabrics that come together to form the large batik squares. To keep everything organized I couldn't easily chain piece the blocks and had to do each block in sequence and lay it out on my design floor (no room for a design wall). But I love the result. 

If you haven't seen my book, I hope you'll look at it at Martingale's website. Or better yet, encourage your local quilt shop to order a few copies. There are some great resources available for quilt shops -- including some lesson plans (that include the first quilt above) and two traveling trunk shows they can request.

Have a great day -- and don't worry, be scrappy!

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