
Friday, November 1, 2013

Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks Volume 8 is coming soon! And along with the eighth volume of this popular special issue is the equally popular blog tour.

And guess what? I have a block in Volume 8 and will be part  of the blog tour fun! My day is Thursday, November 14.  I can't wait to share with you my block, as well as example of how it works in a few different quilts.

I will be able to give away a copy of Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks Volume  8 to someone who comments on my blog post that day. Of course, it will be a random drawing.

I  have also donated a signed copy of my book and a color-themed set of 10-inch squares that could be used for one of several quilts in my book.

Be sure to visit the many quilters and sponsors who will be part of the blog tour that starts Nov. 11 and continues through Nov. 15.



  1. Congratulations for your block being included in the new issue. And thanks for the chance to win a copy of it.

  2. oh yes.. love that beehive! A really good block to keep in mind for my next quilt!

  3. Nice to find another LDS quilter. I will have to make this Deseret block. Thanks for the chance to win.

  4. Thank you for the chance to win one of the wonderful 100 blocks book.. I love your bee hive and the logcabin setting.. I so want to make it as I am in a quilting group and we call our meeting area the Bea hive.


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