
Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Quilts from Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks

I am so happy to be able to share the quilt I did for the latest issue of Quilts from Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks.

As you probably already know, twice a year Quiltmaker magazine assembles 100 original blocks into a special issue. I've been privileged to have a block in three of the special issues.

Well, twice a year Quiltmaker also puts together a special issue comprised of quilts made using some of the blocks from those magazines.

In the Spring 2015 issue (available today!), I was so pleased that I was able to showcase the quilt I made using my Churned Star block. the block combines a traditional churn dash with a variable sawtooth star block.

Here's the block that was featured in the 100 Blocks special issue.

When the great folks at Quiltmaker magazine invited me to make a quilt featuring the block, I already had a quilt design in mind and even had fabric set aside. They made a great suggestion for the quilt and then sent some fabric that wasn't yet available in quilt shops for me to use. It was the perfect fabric -- Feed Company by Sweetwater for Moda -- which, by the way, was from the same designer that I had chosen for my original design.

Here's the finished quilt:

It was quilted -- magnificently I must say -- by my co-worker Marie Eldredge, one of the fabulous educators at Handi Quilter. I knew that she would be able to fill all of that negative space with the perfect motifs. Quilting definitely makes the quilt!

I hope you love the quilt as much as I do.

Be sure to visit the Quiltmaker blog to see many of the other great quilts in this special issue.

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