
Monday, December 7, 2015

Newest Finish: Malcolm's Quilt

I finished another long-overdue baby quilt -- thanks to HQ Pro-Stitcher.

 Malcolm is now two years old, but better late than never.

I designed this quilt about a year and a half ago. Shortly thereafter Quiltmaker magazine wanted to know if I'd done a quilt using the Churned Star block that I'd submitted for their 100 Blocks special issue. I decided to submit this design at the same time and they decided to include it in a later issue of the magazine. Here's the blog post about that quilt and here's that version of the quilt:

Malcolm's quilt uses the fabric line Comma by Zen Chic for Moda.

I quilted it with the design Broken Glass from Wasatch Quilting.

It's a great boy's quilt design. A digital version of the quilt pattern is available from Quiltmaker Magazine.

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