
Saturday, February 18, 2017

Zeke's Quilt

I finally finished the quilt for Zeke, my nephew's son. Both of his older sisters have quilts, but this one definitely is the cutest. I saw the design on Pinterest and knew I could replicate it myself.

I printed the numbers and letters large on my printer, laminated them, cut them out, and used them as the templates for tracing and cutting from fabric. I had ironed Misty Fuse to the back of the solid fabrics before cutting them out and adhering to the gray background fabric. I then stitched around the letters and numbers with invisible thread, sashed the blocks, added borders -- and TA DA! Quilt top was done. Very quick project. And except for the outer border and backing, all the other fabrics came from my stash.

Here's nearly 18-month-old Zeke with his quilt. I actually finished the top last fall and quilted it. After taking it off the frame, I discovered about a square foot of loops on the back. ARGH! I procrastinated picking out the stitching and getting it back on the frame to requilt that section. But, a couple weeks ago Zeke's dad, Ian, accepted a job in Southern California, so they are moving in a week. So, the deadline was looming and I had to get it done!

I backed it with Minkee and quilted it with a digital design by Wasatch Quilting with the numbers 1, 2, and 3, letters A, B, and C, amid lots of pebbles/bubbles.

I should have scooted the rows closer together, but hindsight is 20/20. Still love this quilt -- and I hope that Zeke does too!