
Sunday, April 30, 2017

Pinwheels All Around: My Block in Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks Vol. 15

I'm happy to be a part of Quiltmaker's blog hop for Vol. 15 of their semi-annual special issue featuring 100 original quilt blocks. Here's my block: Pinwheels All Around.

Giveaway details are at the bottom of this post, but I hope you'll take a look at some of the fabric and quilt variations you can do with this block!

This block works equally well as a 2-fabric block, a 3-fabric block, or a 4-fabric block. I think you could also do totally scrappy (which is my typical style), but you might lose the pinwheel effect in the block.

I did a few different layouts -- two with sashing and one without. I like the additional large pinwheels that are created where the blocks meet in the one without sashing shown below.

Here's a layout with simple sashing and cornerstones:

But for the ambitious quilter (and the one I'll probably make), I took the pinwheel theme to the next level. 

First, the version with 3-fabric blocks. I think this would be a fabulous Quilt of Valor for your favorite veteran or active military friend or family member.

And here's the version with 4-fabric blocks. I like the warm fabrics, reminiscent of the autumn time of year. 

But don't let all of those pinwheel blocks (made from half-square triangles) get you down. There are so many different ways to do half-square triangles. Depending on my mood (and the size of my fabric pieces), I choose between three different ways of making them: 

From strips with the Easy Angle Ruler:

Two at a time using fabric squares with line drawn corner to corner, then stitched scant ¼ inch on each side of the line

Or using triangle paper, such as Thangles:

When you're ready to sew them together, it is useful to use a 3.5 basting stitch to make sure all of the points are aligned. (Then go back and sew the entire seam with a normal stitch length.) However, if after the first several blocks you find that everything is aligned well, you can skip this extra step.

If you really want to use up your scraps, here's a version where every block uses a different set of dark and medium fabrics. However I left the light background the same to help unify the quilt. I also felt the small pinwheels needed to be more neutral because there are so many other fabrics in the quilt. But I love this version too!

Now, for the giveaway and your chance to win a copy of Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks Volume 15! All you need to do is leave a comment below. I'll randomly pick a winner on May 6. No, make that THREE winners. Quiltmaker sent me some copies to share as well. So, be sure to leave your comment by midnight on May 5.

And be sure to visit Quiltmaker's blog as well for more opportunities to win -- including the chance to win a signed copy of my book Triple-Play Scrap Quilting.

Good luck -- and enjoy this week's blog hop!


  1. I've never seen or heard of Thangles before. I'll have to investigate. I usually make triangles by laying one square on another and sewing to make two at a time. kthurn(at)bektel(dot)com

  2. I love the last version. Pinwheels are a favorite of mine.

  3. Fabulous block! Particularly love the last variation shown with the scrappiness and the extra pinwheels. But you could use two main colours and scrappy neutrals too. Lots of fun :)

  4. Beautiful block! And I love the scrappy version of your quilt. So pretty.

  5. The block is wonderful. All the quilts are awesome. I particularly love the QOV quilt. I think it may the colors are more to my liking, but that's a great complement that I liked the others, too because those colors aren't my favorites and scrappy isn't either. So, that's great that you can pique my interest to even think about those color ways and scrappy. Job well done!

  6. Your "Veterans" version is wonderful...and would be especially nice to honor a woman who served in the military!

  7. So beautiful all of the versions. My favourite is the blue and red one!

  8. Great block--love seeing all the different possibilities! I think I like the scrappy version best! Love all the extra pinwheels you added to it!

  9. I've just started working with Thangles and I like the idea of basting first - I wasn't comfortable piecing the hsts together - this is a great idea. Thank you for showing so many different options for this block - brilliant and beautiful!

  10. Day one is already fun on the blog hop and you're the first today. i can see myself creating something with this. I liked all the version, but 3 fabrics was my most favorite.

  11. This is a wonderful block, I really like the 4 fabric version it's beautiful.

  12. The version without sashing is my favorite. And thanks for the basting tip--it's a good one!

  13. Great block! I like the one without sashing for the secondary pattern!

  14. I love your block! Definitely my style!

  15. Your block is great! I like all the variations you have for it.

  16. Pinwheels all around is a wonderful block. I especially love the 2 color version, but it also looks like it would make an awesome scrappy quilt. I definitely want to add Vol 15 to my collection of 100 blocks magazines.

  17. You did an amazing job sharing all of your creative layouts with all of us. This really helps us in deciding the endless possibilities. I love your block. Pinwheels are a lot of fun to make. Thank you for being a part of QM's 100 blogs and the opportunity to try and win.

    Sandi Timmons

  18. Oh my goodness I love them all. It's hard to pick one favorite. I love seeing all your variations.

  19. Wonderful block! I like the scrappy version and the one without sashing.

  20. I really love your block. Pinwheels are a favorite with me. I am a scrappy person so the last quilt is my favorite. Thank you for sharing your block and for the giveaway.

  21. Thanks for showing so many different versions. I love seeing all the possibilities!

  22. I love seeing all the inspiration for the 100 Blocks issues. Pinwheels are one of my favorite designs.

  23. Scrappy! I like it,, and boy do I have the scraps LOL

  24. First I loved the red, white and blue versions but this the last scrappy one showed and my heart jumped again. This is a beautiful block in all these colors. Thank you for the sweet giveaway!

  25. So many options - methods and layouts, it's awesome to see so many possibilities. I love the layout of the quilt with no sashing that results in the secondary pinwheel design.

  26. Love the last quilt shown. The black pinwheels seem to make your eye travel all around the quilt, and ties the colors together. Perfect touch!

  27. I love the scrappy last one!

  28. This is such a great block! I love all the layouts, especially the RWB with pinwheel border--awesome!

  29. I like the last pinwheelquilt , I like the colors and the lay-out. Very nice

  30. I love the whacky look of the multiple colored pinwheels. Beautiful block and such great ideas for using it in lovely quilts.

  31. Love the blog hops...thanks for helping us enjoy the fun with this awesome block!

  32. Your truly is a very versatile block. I love both the scrappy and RWB renditions. Thanks.

  33. Thanks for showing many options for using your block and for the tips on construction.

  34. What a fantastic block. Can't wait to get my copy of Quiltmakers 100 Blocks Vol 15, so I can make it. Thanks

  35. Really like your block. I usually make HST with the Easy Angle ruler. Thanks. Diane

  36. Such a fun block! I love the different looks you can get with it. cknapp3626(at)sbcglobal(dot)net

  37. I love pinwheels & scrappy quilts! The last design is my favorite!

  38. I love the scrappy version!!

  39. Love all the options for this block... great ideas

  40. What a versatile block! Thanks so much for showing all the looks that changes of colors can make.

  41. I really liked the final scrappy layout version you made with the block - really shows the potential it has!

  42. I actually like the 2 color version alot, but the last one, that is sort of scrappy, is right up my alley.

  43. WELL...with so many fabric options, 2,3,4, scrappy - it would be SO FUN to make one of each for my family!

  44. Just lovely! I especially like the last version you showed, it appeals to my love of scrappiness.

  45. I think the 4 fabric block is my favourite

  46. congratulations. your block is wonderful. I love how it makes a secondary design.

  47. I love the last version of the block you made. I try to always make scrappy quilts.

  48. I love pinwheels, and I love your block and all the versions of it!

  49. Congratulations on having your block be chosen for this volume of 100 blocks!
    I like the different ways of coloring it.
    I almost always do triangles from the 2 squares method. I make the squares a little bigger than needed so I can trim to correct size.

  50. Hi Nancy, I don't need to be entered in the giveaway but from one designer to another, I really enjoyed your post. That block looks fabulous when repeated! I'm dreaming of a super scrappy masterpiece. Nice job!

  51. What a clever way to use multiple sized triangles. Thanks, Kathy in colo repzjratplainsdotnet

  52. I like the 4-fabric blocks and the warm colors too-very nice! Thank you, Susan

  53. I really like pinwheel blocks and your block is a new twist that really caught my eye. Thanks for the chance to win the book.

  54. Beautiful block Nancy! And thanks for suggesting to use Thangles....I always forget to use the ones I bought and stashed away.

    dbrit89828 at aol dot com

  55. I love pinwheel blocks and my favorite is the last one with so many different colors.

  56. I love all the color options you showed us.

  57. I like the no sash version. It really looks neat with the additional pinwheels.

  58. I love all the different quilt designs using your love love the scrappy quilt.

  59. Really like the quilt top with 4 fabrics. I love sewing pinwheels.

  60. The three block version is my favorite. I also like it with no sashing

  61. Now that I've seen your variations in layouts I'm in love with your unique pinwheel block. I want to win win win so I can make make make!

  62. Your block makes a beautiful quilt in all the different fabric combinations. One I will make.

  63. I like the first block you showed - the black, white & red one. It looks kind of three-dimensional!

  64. I love the asymmetrical look of sub-blocks of the pinwheels! Nice look!!

  65. Your block is fabulous - I love pinwheels and enjoyed seeing all the variations especially using scraps! thank you!

  66. I too love the warm colors. I recently saw another way to do half square triangles and would love your opinion on the process. I believe these are for larger half square triangles. You take two pieces of fabric (squared) and place right sides together. Sew a 1/4" seam around the entire square. Using a ruler and rotary cutter, cut across diagonally from corner to corner, making sure that the fabric square does not move. Then cut the opposite corner to corner. Press. This will give you 4 of the same pattern to do a pinwheel with. Wondering what you think of this process? Thank you for this block.

  67. Can't go wrong with pinwheels! I love the Veterans R, W, B version, and the secondary designs are very cool ! I haven't done HST with the Easy Angle ruler yet, but I have the ruler, so I probably should learn!

  68. I love your pinwheels and all the layouts you shared. Thanks for showing different methods for making the block. That's very helpful!

  69. I like the scrappy Pinwheel quilt & I definitely have some leftovers to use. rozz01 at cox dot net

  70. Pretty block! I really like the red, white, and blue version. Thanks for the chance to win a copy of this issue.

  71. I love how you used little pinwheels in the border on the last layout :) I love the layouts with the sashing. It really makes the quilt pop :) Congrats on a great block!

  72. I love this pattern! Most of my HSTS are made with the Easy Angle ruler.

  73. Very nice block. I love that you showed so many variations.

  74. Absolutely love your pinwheel block and all the variations you showed. As I kept scrolling down I fell in love with each quilt you had made. Thanks for reminding readers there are so many ways to sew HST, It gives encouragement that we all can make this amazing block!

  75. Amazing how color choice changes the look of a quilt! I love the scrappy one the most.

  76. Love the 3 color option for the Quilts of Valor

  77. Lots of possibilities with this block. Thanks for sharing your talent.

  78. Love your block. Thanks for sharing the different colorways.

  79. I love all the different color way options!

  80. love the pinwheels! I need to make some soon.

  81. Love tbis block and the way you showrd the variations really sold me because it made me think even further ohtside the scrappy with maybe black and white centers. Would love to win this book...and yours!! Love this block!

  82. Love tbis block and the way you showrd the variations really sold me because it made me think even further ohtside the scrappy with maybe black and white centers. Would love to win this book...and yours!! Love this block!

  83. Pinwheels are always nice-looking blocks. Thanks for the tip about basting with the 3.5 first. I will do this next time.

  84. Wow. I love how this block looks in a quilt!

  85. I love your block! Thankyou for showing so many design possibilities.

  86. So many options from one block! Thanks for sharing!

  87. Love your block - I have a soft spot for pinwheels!

  88. I love seeing the different layouts.

  89. I'm getting brave enough to try pinwheels and this block looks wonderful!

  90. I liked all the variations, but the last one with the contrast and intense colors called my name. Thank you for sharing your ideas.

  91. I love your Pinwheel block and thank you for showing us so many different settings to use with it. The double pinwheel border looks great!

  92. Love the 3-oolor version, red, white & blue! Beautiful!

  93. I love the pinwheel quilts you designed, and liked how you did pinwheels for the cornerstones on some of them.

  94. Wow! I love the versatility of your block and how it looks so different depending on the color scheme. I love the red, white and blue one with the extra pinwheels!

  95. Thank you for such a variety of options with your block design! Really like the Quilt of Valor one.

  96. I love the version with 3-fabric blocks! I enjoy the variety you show.

  97. Love the scrappy version and I do use the Easy Angle all the time!

  98. Love the four fabric version, it makes it look totally different! Pinwheels are my favorite blocks to make and Thangles makes it easy. Thanks!

  99. Wow tyty for sharing the diffrent color ways it helps

  100. What a unique block. Appreciate all the options and colorways.

  101. Pinwheels, it was neat to see all the different colors for one block.

  102. I always enjoy seeing the optional colors and layouts. Your block is really cool!

  103. Really love the Quilt of Valor and fall color options....and also the scrappy version. So many variations!

  104. I love the quilt of valor. I think it has striking color combinations. Thanks for all the different colorways.

  105. I think that I like the 2 color and the 3 color blocks the best and I really like the idea of using smaller pinwheels in place of the plain cornerstones. Great block.

  106. I like the 3 color version the best. So many choices; all great.

  107. I love your pinwheel block! The two-color option is my favorite. Thank you for the three options in which to sew the blocks.

    Take care.

  108. Congratulations on having your block in the tour!

  109. I love the autumn version best.

  110. I love your block. I think I would use the 8 at a time method for making half square triangles when I make your block.

  111. What a great block & I love all the variations. but I always have to make the Half square triangles bigger & trim--ugh! reply to pjrquilter (at) msn (dot) com

  112. Love your block and the different colorways. I am interested in the Easy Angle Ruler. Have to find one of the those to make quilting easier. Anything to help with angles is a winner. Thanks for sharing your block.

  113. I'm excited because I've been wanting to do a RED WHITE BLUE quilt. This would be a great pattern for it!

  114. What a beautiful block. So glad to see layout possibilities. I'm particularly drawn to the autumn colors.

  115. Really like this pattern with the different size pinwheels!

  116. LOVE the block! So glad you showed so many different color choices. They inspired me to try to make some of the quilts. Thank you.

  117. I love to see how different this block looks in different colors. Layout is great. I think this is one to put on my to-do list

  118. Pinwheels are my nemesis but I am determined to conquer them.

  119. Love the scrappy version layout

  120. Love your pinwheels. Look forward to trying your square. Especially like the four colors, without washing, to form more pinwheels. Thanks for sharing.

  121. Loving the block, particularly in red/black/white.

  122. I love, love, love the scrappy version!
    allisonpogany at

  123. I really like your block. Thank you for sharing so many different layouts for using the block in a quilt.

  124. I love the Quilt of Valor version!!

  125. What a really neat block. Thanks for showing so many color options.

  126. sew many different versions, sew little time. Love them all.

  127. I am very late joining the hop! But I hope you'll be drawing my name and sending the book my way. I love your pinwheels!

  128. Love the Easy Angle way of doing HST. Dan't beat it. Love your block but then I love HST . Well done my quilty friend.

  129. Love your pinwheels, which happen to be my favorite block.. Well done.. Thank you..

  130. Hi Nancy, I am joining the tour late, but so glad I did. I love making HST with strips and Easy Angle ruler (learned through Bonnie K. Hunter). I also like your tip to baste the pinwheels beforehand, I will be trying that next time, sometimes they just don't want to line up. Thank you.


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