
Friday, February 12, 2010


I was going through a wicker basket of craft and stitching supplies and  found these forgotten treasures  -- Japanese silk floss.

Based on the colors I selected, I probably bought these in the 80s since I was seriously into mauve! I don't remember whether I bought them with a particular project in mind, but in the 25 or so years since I splurged on these threads, I'm sure I wouldn't want to stitch that same project now.  So, I'll have to get creative and design something that will be suitable for these intriguing threads. Or dig out a Shepherd's Bush design that uses this palette. They have a lovely sheen and the end result would be gorgeous.

I did an internet search to see whether I could find anything about them.  They are known as Kanagawa 1000 Dernier silk thread and are still available in a variety of colors.

I wonder what other treasures I might find if I totally cleaned out my sewing room??


  1. You'll probably find some really great thing. I have been doing that over the past couple of months and I have found so many things I really don't need to every buy anything again. Yeah, like that's going to happen! ;o)

  2. Don't you just love when you find some longago bought stuff, and wonder what you were thinking?? I have plenty of that. Wish I could work faster!

  3. Deb, Oh, how I know what you're saying. Sometimes when i see all i've accumulated, i feel absolutely gluttinous. It's rediculous. Then, sometimes my kids get after me. Geesh. I told them it will give them something to do to work through their grief when I'm gone!! LOL I buy nothing compared to what I used to do. Oh, I pass up some beautiful things!

  4. I figure I have enough fabric and stitching supplies that I wouldn't have to buy anything for many years -- and I could still do all of the sewing and stitching I might want.


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