
Saturday, February 13, 2010

Olympics Opening Ceremonies Projects

I appliqued two more heart blocks as the Olympics got started, but switched to cross stitching after the athletes had entered the stadium.  I decided to work on a project that I began quite a while ago, but that takes a lot of  concentration because the design is all worked in one color and until it's completed, you can't tell what it is.

The design is a middle-ages letter "N" by M Designs. It can be worked the way I did it -- with the letter design actually the "negative space" of the fabric, or the letter itself can be stitched as usual. Since this overdyed fabric was so interesting, I decided to have the fabric be the letter.

Here's a picture of the sample as stitched by M  Designs. It was stitched with light floss on blue fabric. If I were to start over, I would have picked a fabric/floss combination with higher contrast, but too late for that.

The floss I'm using is a Thread Gatherer Silk 'n' Colors hand-dyed silk called Autumn Frost.

The floss is so luscious and the change in color as you stitch is what makes this design work.

Busy day today, but hope to get some sewing time in to keep working on the heart quilt.


  1. Beautiful
    Where do you get your specialty threads?

  2. Hi Linda.
    I remember buying this silk thread at a local stitching shop that sadly has now closed. Now when I need something unique for a project, I just keep a list until I'm ready to buy online. It's the easiest way to find something specific.

  3. I have bought from Nordic Needle. I assume you know of them, do you know of any others?

  4. Thanks for the suggestion of Nordic Needle. I'll check them out. I've had pretty good luck with, but I don't have any preferred online shop at this point.

  5. I guess I should have mentioned that the closest cross stitch shop to where I live is Shepherd's Bush. I can get pretty much anything I need there, but sometimes it's just easier to order online.

  6. We actually have 2 good stitching stores nearby, but not close enough for a quick run to the store. I've bought from Nrodic Needle for a long time. Good quality and service.
    At last year's quilt show, a vendor from Pa was selling Brazlian (dimensional) embroider kits. They aren't cheap, but I had to try it. I absolutely loved doing the work. I'll take a pic and put it on my blog. Have you ever tried it?

  7. Linda: I'd love to see the Brazilian embroidery that you have done. I haven't tried it, nor was I even familiar with the beautiful Brazilian embroidery -- and wow, it is amazing. Ran across this website with lots of patterns:

    I'm not good at embroidery -- but my mom is an expert. I'll definitely have to show her. I have the Cinderberry Stitches Truly Scrumptious patterns and need to talk my mom into doing the embroidery and then I'll sew into a quilt.

    Thanks for filling me in on BE.


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