
Saturday, March 13, 2010

Home Again

Busy work week! Back-to-back meetings on Monday,  Tuesday and Wednesday, and all-day meeting on Thursday. 7:00 am flight on Friday. Sheer exhaustion by Friday night.  Thankfully I was upgraded to first class both directions, and had a window seat so I had good light for stitching.

I finished Homespun Elegance's "Home is Where You Hang Your Needlework" on the flight east, and finished Blackbird Designs' Loose Feathers "Their Song" on the way home.

I loved working on this piece. I think it was the silk floss because it was fun to see how the variegated color would end up on the piece.  I was deliberate in some of the color value placement, but other times I just started stitching -- and come what may! It still is amazing that only two colors were used. I've been wanting to redecorate my TV / family room in brown, red, and black so this just might become the starting point for stitchery to match that color scheme. I bought a new coffee table and end table last year, but think it's finally time to replace the sofa (still in good condition, but I bought the teal / mauve sofa in the 80s and it's definitely time to get something new).  I also want to find the perfect chair for comfy stitching while watching TV in that room.
Note: Edited to insert a better picture -- one that shows the warmth in the colors.


I even had time to work on Little House Needleworks' "Needle and Thread" Sunday and Monday evenings. A couple more hours and this one will be done.

Tuesday and Wednesday evenings were spent with different co-workers at dinner.  The first night was at a restaurant named El Vez -- the food was OK but the guacamole was fabulous. I guess living in a state with a large Latino population has spoiled me for eating Mexican food east of the Mississippi. Wednesday night, however, was an amazing experience at Iron Chef Jose Garces' Chifa Restaurant. The 20 or so people who would be involved in the all-day Thursday meeting all ate at a communal table with a lazy susan for every 4 to 6 people.  We had a tasting menu which meant being served about 15 mini-plates of unique Latin-Asian fusion dishes. All were good -- but a few were spectacular. I almost felt like one of the judges on Iron Chef because of the unique flavors, ingredients, creativity and presentation.

It's nice to be home for a few weeks -- but my next two business trips are already planned for the first half of April.


  1. Well
    I've missed your posts. Gosh, how I wish you lived closer so we could create together. Your work is wonderful. Can't wait to hear more from you.

  2. What a wealthy of stitchity goodness! :D

    That Homespun Elegance shows up as more grey than red; is that colour true to life, or is it really more brown?

  3. everything looks wonderful :-)

    your business trip sounds exhausting, bet it's good to be home.

  4. Thanks for stopping by ladies. I've also missed keeping up on your blogs. I'm slowly finding time to get caught up on all of the new things listed in Google Reader.

    Berit: The color should be a bit warmer. The dark values are much like DMC 3371 and the light values like DMC 610. It isn't a really warm brown, but definitely warmer than the pic shows.

  5. I inserted a different photo that shows the colors more true.


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