
Sunday, March 7, 2010

A Quick Note...

Off to the airport in about an hour.  I'll be traveling for work this week, so this will probably be my last post until next weekend.  I hope to be able to report back that I have finished a couple WIPs during my two 5-hour flights, and hopefully from some stitching time in the evenings in my hotel room.


All that's left are one big leaf, some backstitching, and my initials and finish year.


I'm shocked at how quickly this one has gone.  I guess it's because there are only two floss colors.  Just a few more letters (to finish the word "needlework"), my initials, 3 or 4 motifs, and backstitching.

I picked up my taxes this week. I was fully expecting to have to pay a huge boatload of money to the IRS, but to my surprise I'm actually getting a row-boatload of money back. WHEW! So I splurged on a lot of silk floss for my Family in Stitches sampler. As soon as I finish these WIPs, I'll allow myself to begin that project. 

That's all for now. Philadelphia here I come.  I hope the weather stays good!


  1. Wow, how fast that went!! I'm loving the little cat next to the "barn-house". Have a good trip!

  2. Wow, those are both moving right along and look so great! Hope you have a good trip!

  3. Nancy
    I'll miss seeing you online this week, have a safe trip, find fun along the way.

  4. Safe travels, Nancy! Love your WIPs - the BBD is one of my favorite finishes - my mom took it to live with her.


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