
Monday, April 5, 2010

Pin Pillow Exchange and Stitching Progress

I received this darling pin pillow from Kathy as part of BeckyBee’s pin pillow exchange. Every day since the April 1st deadline (and even before) I was eagerly watching for the mailman each day in hopes that my exchange would be in the mail. And today it was!

We had a great weekend at the PX ranch – even with some fresh snow both Saturday and Sunday mornings. Lots of great food – from roasted turkey with sausage, cashew, and dried cranberry dressing and roasted asparagus, to freshly gathered eggs scrambled and served with grits and PX ranch bacon. I made Ina Garten’s Easy Sticky Buns. Yummy, and yes, they are extremely easy because they are made with frozen puff pastry dough. We even had enough to warm up the leftovers for breakfast on Sunday, and they were just as good.

Mom and I got one vegetable garden box planted with cool-weather veggies – radishes, both red and white; spinach; leaf lettuce; and cabbage. Tomorrow I’ll head over to my parent’s house and we’ll get the seeds started under grow lights for tomatoes, peppers, and a variety of squash. They should be ready to plant on branding day, planned for May 15th.

I got some stitching in – thanks to taking a floor lamp with a 150 watt bulb to make it easy to see what I was doing. I made good progress on both my Family in Stitches design, as well as another WIP that I’m hoping to finish this week.


  1. What a cute pin pillow!

    Glad you had a good weekend, sound like you got lots of planting done.

    Love the cute rabbit WIP.

  2. Darling pin keep and your stitching WIPs are lovely. That's a lot of fill-in to do! It'll be fab when done, though!

  3. Love your WIPs! Nice pin pillow that you received too!

  4. Congrats on getting such a cute pk!! :D That Bunny is cute, but it seems to have a surprising amount of dense stitching. Your family sampler looks great, btw. :D Some how I'm surprised by how soft your colours are turning out. I really like this. I saw since following your blog that you were planning a HRH-for-you (They ARE kind of a lot of work for a non-custom item, as you say).

    Thanks for answering me with some info on brands, particularly with the note that they're "food quality" (well, probably better than most of the stuff in packaged food, but you get my intent). I'm making a note of them, and will have to go on a hunt sometime soon. :)

  5. Hi Nancy
    Really like he pin pillow. For Easter this year, I made each of our girls the cupcakek pin cushion. Super easy, and fun.
    I've not made Ina Garten's sticky buns yet, but my mom's are legendary in the family. I've made several of Ina's recipes, I'll have to gve these a try.

  6. That is such an adorable pillow! Kathy did a great job. Your WIPs are coming along so nicely. I'd forgotten about tha design by Tracy/Hands to Work--it is so cute! Your heirloom sampler is beyond amazing... I enjoy seeing each stitch that you make on it, I think it is just so neat.

  7. What a beautiful blog you have.
    Be always in stitches.

  8. I love the little pillow you got from Kathy. The color is beautiful and the design is gorgeous!

    Your wips look wonderful!


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