
Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Unexpected Recognition

About 3 weeks ago I passed 20 years working for the same software company -- well, almost for the same company. Our company was acquired by Oracle about a year and a half ago. I assumed that my 20-year anniversary would come and go and no one would remember it other than myself (and perhaps my boss, whom I've worked for that entire 20-year period).

Imagine my surprise when I received an e-mail from Oracle's HR recognizing my 20 years, and the opportunity to choose a gift. There was jewelry, crystal, watches, and electronics. But then I saw one of the options was a Canon PowerShot SX20 IS camera -- 12 megapixel, tremendous zoom capabilities, a good mix of manual and automatic exposure options, and more.

Well, that's what I picked. It will be great for my Mediterranean cruise this fall, plus I should be able to take better photos of my projects for the blog. You'd never know from my recent photos that I actually have a minor in photography. But when cameras went digital, I got lazy and went with point-and-shoot (and inexpensive). My single-lens-reflex cameras are gathering dust because digital is so much more convenient than film.

It probably won't arrive for a few weeks, but it will be fun to re-learn what I used to know about photography.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Ooh; Nice choice! Looks like "time for the SLR" came sooner than you knew! :D

    I don't know anything about photography, save how to shoot artwork on slide film using tungsten lights--and even that's been almost 8 years ago! :P

    I know a good bit about most of the arts, but never delved into photography, really.

    Looking forward to seeing your adventures with the digital "machine".

  2. That's so great! Congrats on your 20 years, I'm so glad they recognized it! DH got the same sort of choice of presents on his 25th anniversary. It's nice when a company does that!

  3. Congratulations on 20 years!!
    Great gift. ♥

  4. Congratulations on the 20 years! What a wonderful gift! I would have taken that in a minute. I think I got a plaque and a pen set for my 20th. But what can you expect working for accountants!!!

  5. Congratulations, Nancy! We have a Canon PowerShot and love it. We just "upgraded" to the Rebel xsi and while I love it, I keep going back to the PowerShot because I think the auto settings are so much better, especially the macro settings (which would be great for you to take pictures of your stitching!) Enjoy!

  6. Congrats on your 20 year anniversary, and how great they your company have reconised that! Lovely choice of gift, i shall look forward to seeing your photos from your cruise :-)

  7. Wow!! Congratulations on the anniversary--and what a nice gift from the company! Nice choice. Have a great weekend!

  8. Hi Nancy
    That's impressive, few people work that length of time for the same company anymore. Congratulations.
    And I think I'd have chosen the same award you did. Great new toy.

  9. Congratulations on your 20th anniversary at your job and that camera looks fantastic!


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