
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Stash Reduction Report

I’ve noticed several quilting bloggers keeping track of “stash in, stash out” – that is how much new fabric they acquire vs. how much of existing stash that they use.

So I decided to do the same thing for my fabric stash. Based on January numbers, I’m not doing too well as far as using up stash:

Added to stash in January: 22-1/2 yards
Stash used in January:        5 yards
Net:                                  -17-1/2 yards

Yep, I added a lot of new fabric to the stash in January. But when you consider that I hadn’t purchased any fabric for probably 10 months (other than the two block-of-the-month programs I was part of that have now completed), that really only averaged about 2 yards per month.

I will be updating my “STASH IN/STASH OUT” report every week or so moving forward, so here is February through today, as well as year-to-date numbers.

Added to stash Feb. 1 through Feb. 8: 10 yards (40 fat quarters of Bonnie and Camille’s fabulous new “Bliss” fabrics.

If you haven’t seen this wonderful fabric, here are a few photos. I’m loving the aqua and red, which has become a quilting standard hearkening back to the 30s.

Because I have 5 quilts being quilted, that definitely bumped up the “stash out” numbers. I’m counting quilts that may have been completed in the past, but that I finally got around to getting quilted (as well as their binding and backing fabric). So far I haven’t had to purchase new fabric for the backing – I had either already purchased backing fabric or was able to make do with something I had on hand (or even pieced the backing from leftover fabrics from the quilt).

Stash used Feb. 1 through Feb. 8: 30-3/4 yards (yes, those 5 quilts that are being quilted helped here!)

Year to date:
Stash added: 32-1/2 yards
Stash used:    35-3/4 yards
Net:               3-1/4 yards

Yippee! I’ve used 3-1/4 more yards this year than I’ve purchased. We’ll see how well this trend continues.

PS: don't miss out on the giveaway in the previous post!


  1. MMmm... those are beautiful fabrics, Nancy! Not sure I want to know how much comes in vs going out.....

  2. I love those Bliss Fabrics. I've started a quilt out of them but haven't finished it yet. The colors are so great - perfect for this time of year.

    I need to start something like stash in and stash out. But I'm afraid to see exactly how much stash I have! I'd probably have a heart attack!!

  3. Seems I've been missing your posts. The new fabric would be hard to resist. Maybe it's a good thing the used-to-be closest quilt store has closed!! Can't wait to see what you do with them.


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