
Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day 2011

Happy Mother's  Day to all the moms out there!

My mom was born on Mother's day. Many of her birthdays over the years fell on Mother's day. Although her birthday isn't until Tuesday, we had a surprise 80th birthday party for her last night. How we were able to keep the party a surprise is a miracle.

My mom as a teenager

My mom, dad and me
At the party I also presented wedding quilts to two nephews and their wives.

Ben and Nicole with their quilt

Mike, Emily, and 2-week old Tysen with their quilt

Thursday night was Ben's commissioning ceremony into the US Army, Corps of Engineers. He asked his wife and me to be the ones to pin his 2nd Lieutenant bars on during the ceremony, and his first salute was with his brother Mike (unfortunately that photo didn't turn out).

As one of the top cadets in Utah, he was selected a couple years ago to receive the pass of a football from Univ of Utah quarterback before ROTC cadets ran the football from Salt  Lake City to Provo before the rivalry football game with BYU. The football was later signed by all of the team players and Ben presented the football to his ROTC commanding officer. At the commissioning ceremony, it was presented back to Ben.

My mom and I also went to the Home Machine Quilting Show in SLC. I'll post some photos of the quilts on display in my next post. All in all, it was an eventful week.


  1. Hey Nancy
    Seems I've missed alot going on in your life. Been away from blogland, finishing the Hawaiin quilt, posted it today, feels really good.
    Sorry to hear about your job. How's the search going?
    And the great studio clean out?

  2. What a week for you! :D

    Your mom is adorable; she almost out-cutes you in that baby pic. :D

    Love the quilts, especially the second one, and congrats on the family milestone!


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