And here's the proof in the table of contents. My quilts are featured on pages 32 and 62!
The first quilt is called Parade of Stars. (I originally named it Stars, Stripes, and Geese, but that name didn't fly with the editors. Oh well.)
The request was for a quilt featuring stars and stripes, and there are 15 stars in this patriotic quilt. But, as you can see, two rows of small red flying geese replace two rows of stripes in my homage to the US flag. And a column of larger blue flying geese represent the field of stars. In all that's 208 small flying geese and 114 blue flying geese. I chose to paper piece them as a connected row of units, rather than sew them individually and then sew the geese together. I think this also makes them more precise.
I was excited to use Basic Grey's Grunge fabrics for this quilt. It's unusual for me to make a quilt that uses only four fabrics, but I didn't think this would work the same with scrappy fabrics, even if they were in similar colors.
So, quilt number two is named Whirlygig (which I originally named Pinwheels All Around). In this case, I definitely like the name the editors came up with better than the name I had picked.
I originally designed this block for Quiltmaker Magazine's 100 Blocks Vol. 15. You can see my blog post about the block and see other quilt ideas using this block HERE.
I was especially thrilled to be able to use the handcrafted batik fabric line Chroma by Alison Glass for Andover Fabrics. When I was originally asked to turn this block into a quilt (in fall of 2017), Chroma was just about ready to be released and there was quite a buzz about the fabric collection. I think it was the perfect choice for this quilt.
In addition to these two quilts in the July/August issue McCall's quilting, I had a quilt in the July/August issue of Quiltmaker (blog post is HERE). And I have a quilt that is in the July/August issue of Fons and Porter Quilting Quickly. It should be released any day now. So four quilts in three current issues of quilting magazines. Yes, I was busy during the winter months working on these quilts.