And this quilt I did with the Churned Star block for their Quilts from 100 Blocks issue.
After the block appeared in the magazine, quilting teacher Dee Dalton let me know that she was using the block to teach a mystery quilt class at the Smokey Mountain Retreat earlier this year.
Here is the fabulous quilt that she created with the block.
I love the scrappier approach to the block that Dee's quilt has. And what a fabulous border and great sashing. She has a true heirloom with this quilt.
While the class was underway, a friend who is one of the Handi Quilter national educators sent me an e-mail message to let me know that she was in the class! And here's a picture of the first block she made for the quilt. I need to ping her to find out if she's had time to finish the quilt yet. (Handi Quilter keeps the educators hopping with teaching gigs nearly every week, so I don't know when she would've had time to work on it.)
It turned out so great. Makes me want to make a scrappier version of the Churned Star block myself!

1 comment:
Fun block! I like the scrappy look also. Your quilt is lovely but Dee's Scrappy really sings to me.
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