Thursday, May 1, 2014

Folk Art Mexican Rose

EDITED TO ADD: The three winners have been selected and have been notified. Thanks to all who stopped by and especially to those who commented!

I'd like to welcome you to Bountiful Heirlooms, my humble (and sometimes neglected) quilting and stitching blog (more quilting than stitching lately). Today's my day for the Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks Vol. 9 Blog Tour. And it's your chance to win one of three copies of this fabulous special issue -- one from Quiltmaker or one of two from me! You just need to make a comment before Sunday, May 4 at midnight mountain time.

I'm thrilled to be included among such talented designers. Plus, every interaction I have with the staff at Quiltmaker magazine is always a pleasure. Congratulations to Quiltmaker for another terrific issue!

So, let me start with my block.

This block was inspired by a hand-carved chest I bought in Guadalajara, Mexico. I chose warm colors that also reminded me of the summer I lived in Mexico.

But when I decided to make the block into a table runner, I selected fabrics from my stash -- scraps, actually, from a quilt that went into my book Triple-Play Scrap Quilting. (You can see that quilt in the header for my blog -- third quilt from the right.)

Here's the table runner (44 inches by 16 inches) as it appeared in the Quiltmaker gallery:

I made the table runner in about two hours. It took longer to quilt it than to sew the top -- but I'm sure you'll agree that in this case the quilting definitely makes the quilt!

Although I quilted the borders and sashing with straight lines, it's the fabulous free-motion quilting done by Vicki Hoth, education coordinator for Handi Quilter and my co-worker, that really makes this table runner shine!

Vicki quilted the table runner on an HQ24 Fusion longarm machine. It has enough throat space that the entire table runner fit and there was no need to even roll it. I quilted some plumb lines through the batting and backing, squared up the table runner with the plumb lines, and basted it down along all four edges. Then Vicki worked her magic!

Don't you love the trapunto-like dimension the quilting created? And we didn't even use a double batting -- only a single 80/20 white batting.

Time for some tips for how I did this block.

I typically use Kim Diehl's freezer-paper method for machine applique. But I was in a bit of a hurry and decided to use Mistyfuse. Mistyfuse is different from other fusibles in that it doesn't have backing paper. So, instead of tracing a pattern to the paper, adhering it to the fabric, and then cutting out the design, with Mistyfuse there's no paper to on which to trace your design first. You simply adhere the fusible to the fabric and then cut out the shapes.

I had ordered a custom die from AccuQuilt to further simplify cutting the pieces. It didn't cost much more than buying one of their standard dies, and it ensured accuracy with every piece I cut (not to mention being fast)!

After I received the die, I traced over the cutting lines with a Sharpie to make it easier to see where the fabric would be cut. Since the price was the same regardless of how many pieces were on the die, I added a couple extra circles in smaller sizes for future use.

Next step was to fuse the Mistyfuse to the back of each of the fabrics. Note that the photos of the fusing and cutting process show fabrics from my test block -- not the fabrics I used in my finished table runner blocks. I used the Goddess Sheets recommended by Mistyfuse for pressing.

Above are two of the pieces I used in my test block. Just need to add another Goddess Sheet on top and press away.

After all of the fabrics had Mistyfuse on the back, it was just a matter of layering the fabrics over the cutting lines on the die and running it through my AccuQuilt Go! Baby. I cut through two layers of fabric backed with the Mistyfuse at a time, although I probably could have layered more.

And here's the finished result -- perfectly cut pieces ready to fuse to the background.

I layered the pieces on the background fabric, carefully topped with a Goddess Sheet, and ironed them in place.

Then I used monofilament thread on top and a light neutral thread in the bobbin (probably should've used white -- duh!) and used a tiny blanket stitch to secure the fused pieces.

I was quite surprised that the fused fabric was able to take the quilting so well and create the fabulous trapunto look.

I can safely say that I'll be using Mistyfuse again in the future. Plus, I have a feeling there are other custom dies from AccuQuilt in my future as well!

Now, be sure to leave a comment by midnight on Sunday, May 4 for your opportunity to win a copy of Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks Vol. 9. But if you're not one of the lucky winners, this fabulous issue is available to purchase on May 6.

And thanks for visiting!



Allison said...

The quilting really makes the Mexican rose stand out. Beautiful.

Quilting Revolution said...

I saw your block on HQ's site a few days ago. LOVE the quilting on it. Also love seeing someone still in love with their Accuquilt! :-)

Dorothy G said...

Love the quilting you did on this block. And I also love using my Accuquilt! Thanks for the chance to win a copy of the magazine.

Unknown said...

Love your block... and have to get that die..

bairdmtn said...

I love the way the entire block looks, from the colors, to the design and the quilting! That is a perfect block! Think I will try your technique and see how that looks in some of my projects! I am a beginner machine quilter, although I have been making quilts for a long time!

Dana Gaffney said...

Beautiful block, but the quilting is amazing!

Diane said...

Very nice block, and great tutorial. The quilting is fabulous!

Joye with an e said...

Beautiful. I am in awe of the gorgeous quilting. Thanks.

Anita said...

Lovely block!

Betty Woodlee said...

I love your Mexican Rose block.

denisew said...

Beautiful block! I love using my die cutting machine in quilting.

Kathryn said...

Yours is the first I've seen using Accuquilt to design your block. What a great idea. Thanks for the giveaway.

Rebecca said...

Love the old fashion and the new tech!

GranChris said...

The block is very nice and I learned something along the way. Thank-you for the lesson.

Jenn said...

I had seen your block on another post, but enjoyed seeing the process. Thanks for the detailed post (:

Gill said...

Great block - I had no idea you could order custom dies from accuquilt!

PegP said...

Cute block. Congrats!

Margaret said...

I love it. I just got and accuquilt go and I am loving it. Will be looking for your dies.

Anonymous said...

I was one of the Block testers that got to test your block, and I will be blogging about it later today. I love the close up of the quilting!

Vivian said...

Wow, the quilting does make that block amazing. Love you color choices.

kt said...

Love this! The quilting really makes an already great block fabulous! Thanks for sharing your techniques!

acoelke said...

Thank you for sharing how you created your block. I learned a lot.

Rozz01 said...

Luv the flower block idea and the 3 dimensional aspect.

Havplenty said...

Saw your block on HQ's site and it is still just as lovely here on your page.

Red and turquoise is becoming a classic standard color combo.

CyndyK said...

Your Mexican Rose block is very pretty, especially the way it's been quilted. Congratulations on being chosen for the magazine and thank you for sharing with us.

Donna W said...

Wonderful block and quilting. Can't wait to get the new 100 Blocks issue

zswela said...

A beautiful flower and I loved the quilting.

BeachQuilter said...

This is a great looking block. I'd love to try your technique.

Lisa England said...

It's a lovely block and the quilting is fantastic! I always enjoy this magazine, thanks for the chance to win.

Auntie Clark said...

Beautiful table runner and quilting.

Unknown said...

Beautiful, and thanks for the heads up on the custom die's I can think of tons of things I think I need this for

just in case (m3reyna at gmail dot com)

Unknown said...

I think the fabric you selected for the runner make this block! It is all so pretty! Comgratulations!

Bloomer's Buzzings said...

Love my GO and really love your block. Fell for it a couple of days ago & was anxious to see how it was made. So many color & fabric possibilities! Thanks for the chance to win.

Kathy L said...

Beautiful applique block. Thanks for the chance to win.

Jennifer said...

Absolutely a lovely block! And now I can't wait to try Misty fuse.

Diane said...

Thank you for showing how to make the block. It is so beautiful. I would love to win 100 blocks, issue #9.

Anonymous said...

Your block is absolutely fabulous!!! What a beauty. Thanks so much for the chance to win. :) Debby E
samtaylorcjsmimi at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

Never heard of Misty Fuse but may try it

Deborah said...

Your block is gorgeous, especially the quilting. Maybe I need to rethink accuquilt to help me learn applique.

Jocelyn said...

I LOVE your block. How cool that you have a custom die. I never knew they would do that. Your block is beautiful.

Susan said...

Beautiful block! And love your quilting!

Carmen Goldstein said...

I love the block. Interesting info on getting a custom die.

Doris Rice, The Quilting Queen said...

I love your block. Since I live in Texas it definitely reminds me of mexico. The quoting is fabulous! dorisquiltingqueen at yahoo dot com

Emily C said...

You have made a very a pretty flower.

Lee Ann L. said...

What a gorgeous block! Congrats!

Lee said...

This is a fabulous block! I did not know that Accuquilt made custom dies ! I love this blog hop as I learn so many things! thanks!

Carrie P. said...

such a pretty block and lovely quilting. so cool their is a die cutter for it too.

Debbie P said...

Pretty block!! Love the table runner!

Karyn said...

So stunning! I saw it on day 1 and figured we wouldn't get to hear more about glad I was wrong! Can't wait to try Misty Fuse! This block is adorable!

Lori said...

congrats, your block is great. I love the table runner, it looks like it is ready for spring/summer. Thanks for a chance.

Lady Jane said...

Out of all the blocks this one is my favorite. I love the table runner and will try my best to do one.

Calicojoan said...

What a gorgeous block.

alaskamarge said...

Wow, that block is just beautiful and really stands out with the quilting. I love it. Thanks for the tutorial and sharing your block.

Joanna said...

I don't think I've heard of Mistyfuse but it sounds like something I want to try. Very pretty block and the quilting really brings it out.

Unknown said...

I love the block. The colors of the block are wonderful. Congrats on being chosen to be in the magazine, how wonderful.

Unknown said...

Very nice block, congrats and thanks for the chance to win.

QuilterKat said...

Great block, terrific quilting! Thanks for the opportunity to win the giveaway.

bcbaldwins said...

Beautiful Block! I like the accuracy of Accuquilt cutting. Thanks for sharing you techniques.

Michele said...

I have an accuquilt cutter and love it; never thought about custom dies until now. Thanks. I've also wondered about how easy it would be to use Mistyfuse, especially since there is no paper and no way to remove the fusible from the middle of the applique-- it looks like it would not be necessary with this product.
Thanks so much for posting your process. And for designing a beautiful block

lindawwww said...

Thanks for the tutorial. I love the effects creating by quilting. Congratulations on your block!

Peggy said...

Your block is great. I've not used the dies but I can see where they would make things easier.

Kelly Wilson said...

I love the color and quilting on the table runner. Thanks for the opportunity! notwendy gmail

Karen said...

Your block is so pretty! And I think the quilting really shows it off beautifully! Thank you for the chance for a giveaway.

Barb said...

Your block is a applique. The quilting done on that table runner is beyond amazing! Thank you for the chance to win!!

Quilting Tangent said...

Congratulations on having your block in the magazine. said...

I saw your pattern a couple of days ago and the pattern instantly reminded me of a blouse I had years ago with embroidery which looked very similar, the quilting though is exquisite!

Anonymous said...

I'm not real good with applique. However, you did a really nice job with this.

ytsmom said...

Great tips for the accuquilt! The quilting if fantastic!!

Mary said...

I saw your block on FB this AM. So cool that it uses Fusible and looks like trapunto. The quilting sets it off well! Hope I WIn a copy of this issue!

Booking Lost Time said...

Yes the quilting makes your runner is much more. It's always kind of amazing to me.

Unknown said...

Great block. Thank you for doing this giveaway.

Angelia Lanouette said...

I love your block and the quilting on the table runner is absolutely stunning. I love the way it gives dimension. Congratulations!

Jill Hicks said...

Very sweet block.

Purl Buttons said...

Wow! I learned a lot from your post! Plus, I got to see the close-up of the lovely quilting on your pretty table runner. Thanks!

Cecilia said...

Great block! I saw the table runner on Handi Quilters' site and I love the quilting! The colors you used are such a great combination, too. Thanks for the chance to win a copy of the magazine.

vwlady said...

Love your block! Love the quilting, too! I use Accuquilt dies lots! They are a real timesaver!

Amy said...

Just love this block, so unique and pretty! Thanks for sharing your creativity!

~Kris~ said...

I love appliqué and your block is so nice. I also love the trap unto look you achieved with the quilting.

KathySue said...

You put so much work into your block - congratulations! Love it. And thank you for the comments about Mistyfuse. kathleendotlutzatcomcastdotnet

Anonymous said...

I really love your block, but am just amazed at the how different the quilting makes it look. Wow... Congrats on making it into the publication and thanks for hosting the giveaway

Marly said...

I like your table runner; it's very elegant and exotic. Thanks for sharing the cutting process.

WoolenSails said...

Love this block and how the quilting gives it a raised effect, would be beautiful as a bed quilt.


Jitka said...

It is very nice block. Thank you for sharing it and for the giveaway too.

Rhonda said...

Beautiful block. Thanks for the chance to win.

Janie said...

This block is really unique! One of my favorites! You are right....the quilting makes the table runner. Will be looking for Mistyfuse.

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

What a great flower.

JustPam said...

This is so cool the way this quilt came together. Love it!

Kelly Cline said...

Love the colors, design and the quilting!

Julie Kaye from KS said...

What a pretty block. And yes, the quilting is outstanding:) Great job!

Stitchin At Home said...

Beautiful!! Thanks for the chance to win.

MissPat said...

Thank you for the lesson on using misty fuse. I don't do much applique, but this might be worth looking into.

Susie said...

I love your blog, I just bought a Accuquilt. The quilting was beautiful.

Amy's Crafty Shenanigans said...

ABSOLUTELY gorgeous - I love your block. I can see making a set of pretty cushions. Lovely :)

wendy said...

Great block and lovely quilting. I have used Heat & Bond before but have not heard of Mistyfuse. I will have to check on it.

Rina Mason said...

What a beautiful block. I can't wait to get a copy of the magazine so I can make a wall hanging for my niece.

Sharlene said...

Love that table runner colour scheme! Nice job. Congrats on being featured.

NJG said...

I love your block. It is definitely one I want to make. Congratulations on your block being selected. Thanks for the great giveaway.

Unknown said...

Your colour choices are awesome - I love the fact that your red isn't overwhelming that soft blue. Lovely

JayTee said...

I love your block...I didn't know you could get custom dies made

JayTee said...

I love your block...I didn't know you could get custom dies made

JayTee said...

I love your block...I didn't know you could get custom dies made

JanineMarie said...

Thanks for sharing how you made your block. Your quilting really makes the design pop.

Thim3 said...

Your block is very pretty and your quilting is it.
Thank you for the chance to win

Sue in Scottsdale, AZ said...

Cute block and don't you just love AccuQuilt dies! I don't do much appliqué but I love how it looks.

Andee said...

The block is beautiful!

Andresa said...

I don't do much applique, but seeing how your quilting accentuates it, my only thought is, "well, duh... THAT's the way to do applique!".

Linda Christianson said...

Pretty block

Jeanne in Ohio said...

Applque is not my favorite but I really, really like your block. Thanks for the giveaway.

Lyn said...

Great in South Texas, I really like patterns like this.

Beth French said...

What a pretty block! I'm doing some fused applique, too.

Kathy H said...

Cute block and I love the quilting. I didn't know that accuquilt made custom dies.

Annmarie said...

Lovely block but you're absolutely right - the quilting makes the table runner special. I LOVE how the motif looks like it is popping off the background!

Unknown said...

This is such a pretty block! I love it. Thanks for a chance at the give-away.
mgw070 at shaw dot ca

Beth said...

It's amazing how much your block looks like trapunto due to the quilting.

Unknown said...

Amazing job with that trapunto quilting

Linda H said...

Great block. Thanks for the chance to win a copy of Vol.9.

frosew said...

I love your block and enjoyed reading how it was created. The quilting is amazing!

Diantha said...

That is so cool -- the three dimensional look of the quilting!

Elizabeth said...

I noticed this block, featured for the fabulous quilting on the Handiquilter post, and was impressed by the trapunto look that wasn't trapunto. This block would be beautiful as a runner or wall hanging.

JoyceLM said...

Lovely block - thanks for sharing & thanks for the giveaway.

Madeline said...

Beautiful block! Thanks for the chance to win.

Gloria said...

your table runner is a stand out!!

Gwen Wehner said...

Lovely block - thanks for sharing the construction details! I have been hesitant to try Misty Fuse- but it obviously works great!

Cindy said...

Lovely block and great quilting.

Unknown said...

I really love the fabrics you used, aqua, red and white! It just pops! I'll be making some soon hopefully! Thanks

GeniP said...

Love your rose and the quilting is awesome on your table runner!!

GeniP said...

Love your rose and the quilting is awesome on your table runner!!

Sarah said...

The rose is beautiful, and the quilting is breathtaking. Thanks for the giveaway!

Deb said...

Love your block...very unique. Thanks for the chance to win a book.

Steph said...

Add another great reason to learn applique. And free-motion quilting. The block is gorgeous, and the table runner is fabulous.
Thank you for showing your process!

Cloud 9 said...

Lovely colors. Thanks for the fussable tips and product review.

Nancy said...

The applique and the quilting you did to enhance it are so pretty and it made a very nice table runner.

Donna Joy said...

Your block with that stellar quilting is jaw dropping. Congrats to you. Thanks for sharing.

Karen in Breezy Point said...

Fun block--I've never tried Misty Fuse--I'll have to give it a try!

LeAnne said...

Learned a lot from this post. Didn't realize AccuQuilt did custom dies and I've never tried Misty Fuse. Great block and Vicki's quilting is amazing.

MaryBeth said...

Your quilting is exquisite. Congratulations.

Pat Wade said...

That is a beautiful block.

Unknown said...

This block is so pretty! :)

travlr99 said...

Love the Mexican Rose. Congrats on Vol 9.

WhoMom said...

Wonderful Mexican Rose. We lived in San Diego for 8 years and this so reminds me of things there. I love the earthy colors you used in the first block too. Thank you for sharing with us, and it's nice to know about the Mistyfuse, so often looking at the fusables gets confusing!

Cat said...

What a fun block. Thanks so much for the Mistyfuse hint. I'll have to look for this the next time I go shopping. Great job - the block looks spectacular. Thanks for the opportunity to win.

JANET said...

What gorgeous quilting on your block! It really makes your block shine even more.

Karrie said...

You have the prettiest block of all! I love the quilting on it but the fabric choices are perfect!


Walter said...

An elegant little block and the quilting is wonderful!

Joyful Quilter said...

Cute love love the quilting on your quilt, really makes the block stand out.

sara said...

beautiful block and the quilting is just exquisite on it. thank you for the eye candy

Rachell said...

how cute! and thank you for showing how you do your appliqué. I haven't done a lot, so it helps inspire me to try more.

Judy1522 said...

I love your block made into a table runner and the quilting is beautiful on it.

BizyStitches said...

This is a fun tour, thank you for putting my name in for the drawing.

Gina said...

Thanks for this tute. I'm just hearing about Mistyfuse and gonna give it a try.


QuiltinGram said...

Will be making your block out of some scraps. Watching for the mag. To hit stands up here in Canada!

CA Bobbie said...

Great time-saving tools. Aren't we glad we live in this time?! Thanks for the giveaway.

grammygwendolyn said...

Beautiful Mexican Rose, the quilting is super.

by Laura McFall said...

Beautiful! Someday I hope to visit Guadalajara...

Loris said...

I saw your block on the Handiquilter blog...and Wow! your quilting is beautiful!

Josie McRazie said...

Beautifil block! Oh I love all the possibilities in the 100 block books!

Gayle said...

I look forward to seeing this new issue on the newsstand

Suze said...

First, thank you for the tip about the custom Accuquilt die. I know they make custom dies and thought the cost would be prohibitive. There is one I'd like to have for a quilt I'm making that I have one block size to cut almost countless times. I love the pattern. It's beautiful in different color combinations. Thank you for the detailed explanation for how you put the block together, quilted, and the products you used and your recommendations. I appreciate those. Congrats on a publish - well deserved.

Nrhaller said...

Congratulations for being published in this magazine. I really must get a copy. Also thanks for such a great informative blog post. Not just on your method of making your block, but also of the Mistyfuse, and getting a custom die for your Accuquilt Go Baby. I'm happy to get all of this information. Thanks for the opportunity to win also.
Rae (

Cathryn said...

What a clever thing to do - order your own die cut! I would not have thought of that. Love the block idea coming from something else you had purchased. said...

Great block. Thanks.

jquilter said...

I'm enjoying the blogs and blocks. Thanks for the chance to win!

PJB said...

I love your block and the way you finished it.

Regina said...


Chantal said...

Wow. That's a lovely flower. Stunning table runner. Just GOOOORRRRGEOUS!

Pat V. said...

I've never tried Misty Fuse, but your block is gorgeous, so I'll have to give it a try (both the Misty Fuse and your block).

Annie said...

Beautiful block and beautiful quilting!

nicolesender said...

Lovely quilt block!

jrt14 said...

What a great block and thank you for sharing your design process with us. I just love reading about how a block goes from idea to finished project. Thank you for a chance to win.

Julie S said...

Wow, with the quilting, your blocks really pops right out of the quilt!

Lauriejo said...

Congrats on the block and thanks for the giveaway chance

Lisa E said...

Wow, the quilting really complements the block!

pharmgirl75 said...

Love the table runner setting made with your block.

WeedyMama said...

Love what the quilting did for your design. I have some Misty Fuse but have been too cowardly to try it. My favorite brand has disappeared.

Bev @ kwiltpharm said...

Love the quilted version-it is true that "quilting makes the quilt" in this case. Love the simplicity of the design also

Regina Harris said...

Beautiful quilting and block.


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