Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Free Printables: Valentine Tickets

Here are a few ticket printables that feature vintage Valentine images. They measure about 1.5 X 4 inches.


I hope you enjoy using them.

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To save these printables (on a PC): Click the image to show it full size. Then right click and choose "Save image as...". Save to your computer in a place that you'll remember. Then choose Save.

To print: When you are ready to print, click the saved image. It will usually open in a program that you can use to print it. If not, print using whatever program you use for printing. You can also insert into a word processing program and resize the image before printing.

Thanks for visiting my blog.


Cindy in Wisconsin said...

Those are great! Thanks so much for sharing!

Edwina said...

Nancy, Thank you so much! These are beautiful. I love all of them. Edwina Brown

Mary Jones said...

Thank you very much for pictures

Chicago Dreamer said...

Gorgeous, thanks so much

TerriLynn said...

Beautiful. Thank you. <3

Unknown said...

Beautiful work- Thanks so much for sharing

Unknown said...

These are wonderful thank you for sharing. You are amazing. Very kind. I absolutely love these. Thank you for allowing us to use these.

kim said...

Thank you for your wonderful printable! They are just beautiful!

Stella said...

Thank you so much for sharing your art. It is very much appreciated. I'm going to put the Valentine tickets in with my Valentine's Day cards. It will add a little something special to it.


machine a sous avec tours gratuits said...

Thanks for creating this blog and helping others to learn

Paige W said...

Intereesting read

Reagan said...

I love these vintage Valentine images!


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