Without the last 3 borders (top, bottom and left), it is about 72 inches square right now. It will end up about 80 X 86 when I get the rest of the borders on.
I would love to replace the quilt that hangs over my stairwell with this one once it's quilted, but if I add the other borders, it will be about 8 inches too wide for the quilt hanger. This photo shows what is there now.
So the big question is -- do you think I can get by without the borders?
Thanks for visiting.

I like asymetrical quilts so I say that you can leave off the other three borders. Your stair way has SO much space for displaying your quilts - lucky you!
I don't have an answer, I just want to say I LOVE the flower us the side of your baskets!! The quilt is BEAUTIFUL!!!
What a darling quilt. Ohhh what a dilemma. I like what Gayle suggested, but if that didn't work could you still add the applique flowers and eliminate the outer border. Maybe put a narrow black binding instead? Or you could get a new quilt hanger. Not a fun option I know. I just love all of your wonderful quilts. Your house is darling!
I dunno...I'm all for asymmetrical but I think this one needs that border. Love the poppies; I'm seeing them everywhere I go this year. :D Hope to see some soon on my balcony! :D (Wonder if my seedlings weren't planed too late to bloom--we shall see. :D
This is a beautiful quilt even if it won't fit your hanger.
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